1PM Weekly News - March 11, 2024

March 11, 2024

Watch 1PM Weekly News - March 11th, 2024

This week Nicki covers 5 sustainable news stories from a new satellite tracking methane emissions from space to an ethical poultry farming project called Transfarmation.

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To learn more, check out our sources below.

Tracking Methane Emissions from Space

The Environmental Defense Fund (E.D.F.) has launched MethaneSAT, a groundbreaking satellite aimed at tracking methane emissions globally. Costing $88 million and involving a team of 70 experts, MethaneSAT promises unprecedented precision in detecting even small emissions sources, such as leaks from oil and gas sites. With support from Google, MethaneSAT's data will be publicly available, empowering regulators, companies, and the public to hold polluters accountable.The satellite's advanced technology makes it an extremely powerful tool for environmental monitoring. This initiative underscores the importance of innovative solutions in addressing climate change and highlights the potential of collaborative efforts between non-profit organizations, governments, and private entities in tackling environmental challenges on a global scale. 


Transfarmation: Ethical Poultry Farming Project

Amidst the challenging realities of industrial-scale poultry farming, initiatives like Transfarmation have emerged as beacons of hope. Transfarmation is a project headed by an animal rights advocacy group offering critical assistance and resources to farmers, helping them transition away from factory farming. Through Transfarmation, farmers receive essential support, including small grants and technical guidance to navigate the intricate process of transitioning their farms towards more sustainable models. There is an urgent need for systemic change within agriculture, and this project demonstrates the unwavering resolve driving efforts to cultivate a future where agriculture is rooted in sustainability, compassion, and resilience.


Scientists Concerned for Rising Ocean Temperatures

Oceans worldwide are experiencing unprecedented warming, with the North Atlantic notably reaching record-breaking temperatures for nearly a year. Climate scientists are sounding the alarm, expressing deep unease over the swift and unexplained surge in ocean heat, indicative of an accelerated pace of climate change. While shipping pollution may have contributed, experts caution that such factors alone cannot fully account for the extreme heat observed. Complex interactions within Earth's weather systems, coupled with diminished cloud cover, exacerbate the situation, amplifying the impact of climate change on ocean temperatures. The warmer waters are already fueling intense hurricane seasons and may disrupt vital ocean currents, with far-reaching implications for climate stability.  We must take decisive action to combat climate change, safeguard ocean health, and stabilize global climate systems for current and future generations.


Texas Leading the Way in Low Carbon Energy Grids

Texas has emerged as a powerhouse in the transition to low-carbon energy by overtaking California in grid battery expansion.  Developers are projecting to complete 6.4 gigawatts of new capacity this year, marking a significant milestone in the transition to low-carbon energy. This surge not only underscores the growing importance of energy storage nationwide but also signifies a remarkable shift in the energy landscape. While California's legacy in clean energy remains formidable, Texas is driven by its competitive energy marketplace. Private developers are driven to Texas because of the competitive market dynamics, which is propelling the state to the forefront of clean power infrastructure development.